本产品按GB12706- 9《额定电压35kv 及以下铜芯、铝芯塑料绝缘电缆》、GB2951.38-86《电线电缆白蚁试验方法》、Q/320282DCE014-2000《防鼠 电线电缆》标准生产。
电缆的型号 Type of cable 型号 Type 额定电压 Rated voltage 名称 Designation
铜芯 Copper conductor 铝芯 Aluminum conductor
FSH-VV FSH-VLV 0.6/KV 聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电缆 PVC insulated , PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FYH-VLY 聚氯乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套防鼠电缆 PVC insulated , PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 聚氯乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套防白蚁电缆 PVC insulated , PE sheathed temiteproof power cable
FSH-VV22 FSH-VLV22 聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电缆 PVC insulated ,steel tape armoured, PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-VV23 FYH-VV23 FSH-VLV23 FYH-VLV23 聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套防鼠电缆 PVC insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE shesthed mouseproof power cable 聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套防白蚁电缆 PVC insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE sheathed termiteproof power cable
FSH-VV32 FSH-VLV32 聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电缆 PVC insulated, steel wire armoured ,PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-VV33 FYH-VV33 FSH-VLV33 FYH-VLV33 聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚乙烯护套防鼠电缆 PVC insulated, steel wire armoured ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚乙烯护套防白蚁电缆 PVC insulated, steel wire armoured ,PE sheathed termiteproof power cable
FSH-YJV FSH-YJLV 6/1KV ~ 26/35KV 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电缆 XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-YJV FYH-YJY FSH-YJLV FYH-YJLV 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套防鼠电缆 XLPE insulated, el wire ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套防白蚁电缆 XLPE insulated, steel wire ,PE sheathed termiteproof power cable
FSH-YJV22 FSH-YJLV22 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电缆 XLPE insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-YJV23 FYH-YJV23 FSH-YJLV23 FYH-YJLV23 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套防鼠电缆 XLPE insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚乙烯护套防白蚁电缆 XLPE insulated, steel tape armoured ,PE sheathed termiteproof power cable
FSH-YJV32 FSH-YJLV32 交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套防鼠电缆 XLPE insulated, steel wire armoured ,PVC sheathed mouseproof power cable
FSH-YJV33 FYH-YJV33 FSH-YJV33 FYH-YJLV33 交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚乙烯护套防鼠电缆 XLPE insulated, steel wire armoured ,PE sheathed mouseproof power cable 交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚乙烯护套防白蚁电缆
·防鼠 防白蚁有效期长,可达二十年以上。
生产范围 型号 Type 额定电压 KV Rated voltage 电缆芯数 No. of coers
1 2
3 4.3+1 5.3+2.4+1
铜芯 Copper conductor 铝芯 Aluminum conductor 导体线芯标称截面
Nominal cross – section of conductor mm2
- -
FSH-VLV 0.6/1
1.5-800 2.5-800 1.5-300 2.5-300 1.5-400 2.5-400 1.5-400 2.5-400 1.5-400
FSH-VLY,FYH-VY 1.5-800 2.5-800 1.5-300 2.5-300 1.5-400 2.5-400 1.5-400 2.5-400 1.5-400